Be aware of actions by the Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors through the CWWCA Liaison reports.
Receive updates, and representation, on legislative actions that effect ground water professionals through the CWWCA’s Lobbyist and Legislative Committee reports.
Participate in CWWCA’s scholarships.
Receive information from NGWA through CWWCA, which is an Affiliate State Organization.
Learn new methods, see new products and gain continuing education hours by attending our Annual and Mid-Year Conferences at member rates.
Stay informed by receiving the quarterly Association newsletter, The Drillstem.
Take advantage of the leadership opportunities within the Association to promote and protect the interests of the industry.
Form personal contacts which will provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas, opinions and experiences.
Develop and encourage high standards of professional practice within our industry.
Join us
Here you can read about your membership levels, organization rules, or payment instructions.
Phone: (720) 244-8024
CWWCA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P O Box 929, Indian Hills, CO 80454-0929